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Our Father, who art in Heaven, from the beginning, beyond the sea, you have reserved a wondrous continent. Out of the failure of the Old World grew the new; a second chance for humanity. You lead the pilgrims of every generation across the ocean and through the wilderness of tyranny to this wide land. Out of their suffering came their wisdom, from hatred of bigotry their love of the fellow man. Together they created the Constitution of the United States. This document was inspired by the thunder of Sinai, by the words of the prophets, by the quiet still voice with which you speak in the hearts of men. | |
Keep our country true to her Constitution, to her passion for freedom, her love for the downtrodden and forlorn! Preserve her from the stain of imperialistic greed, keep her in the royal way of integrity. Destroy from her midst all intolerance and presumptuousness, all sullen anger and wicked triumph! | |
Your blessing, through generations of creative freedom, has wrought great prosperity and power. Help us, O Lord, that our achievement turn not against us, that we seek our national salvation in peace, good will and co-operation, in honest labor, which builds up the waste places of humanity. | |
Bless the President of the United States, his Cabinet and all the Governors and Legislators. Grant them the gift of unbending rectitude and wisehearted statesmanship that they truly serve the country, upholding her honor and safeguarding the happiness of her citizenry. Bless them all who occupy themselves in faithfulness with the wants of the community. Amen. |
This prayer is the third in “Prayers for the Country and Government” in Rabbi Jacob Bosniak’s collection of tehinot, Likutei Tefilot (1927). I have replaced most archaisms (Thou, hast, etc.). –Aharon Varady

“Prayer for the Government of the United States of America, by Rabbi Leo Jung (1927)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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